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Jamf Pro: as Source

Required environment’s information

You need to first set up all general prerequisites before proceeding to this guide.

Email addresses requirement

In order to migrate your mobile devices, the users must have an email address assigned.

The email address is needed to contact the user and register the mobile device with the appropriate information (on supported UEM environments).


Mobile devices that don't have an email address cannot be migrated by Exodus and will be flagged as Failed: Missing user email.

Get the Exodus Companion App on your devices

You can deploy the Exodus Companion App via Volume Purchase Program (or VPP) or as a Public App. We strongly recommend leveraging VPP as this method won't require of the users to authenticate with an Apple ID.


This program is managed from the Apple Business Manager portal.

Please consult Jamf Pro Documentation for more information about Volume Purchasing integration, service token and licenses assignment.

When the required Exodus Companion App licenses are purchased and assigned, you need to configure a Volume Purchasing location on Jamf Pro:

  1. From the top-right corner of the Jamf Pro portal, click the Settings icon > Global Management > Volume Purchasing > Click on + New to create a new location.
  2. Provide a Display Name then click on Upload Service Token to upload the service token (.vpptoken) you have downloaded from Apple Business Manager. Once done, Save the location.
  3. Then in the Content tab, verify that the Exodus Companion App is correctly listed.

As a Public App

You need to add the Exodus Companion App from the App Store to your Source Tenant’s app catalog. From the Jamf Pro portal:

  1. Click on Devices > Mobile Device Apps > New > select App Store app or apps purchased in volume > click Next.

  2. In the search field, enter Exodus Companion, and click Next then Add.

    Figure: Search App

    Exodus Companion App: Search app

    Figure: Add App

    Exodus Companion App: Add app


In the General tab, make sure the following settings are configured:

  1. Distribution Method is set to "Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install".

  2. Make app managed when possible is enabled.

  3. Make app managed if currently installed as unmanaged is enabled.

  4. Remove app when MDM profile is removed is disabled.

    Figure: General

    Exodus Companion App: General


Configure the Scope so that the application is distributed to all your migrated mobile devices.

Managed Distribution

If you are using Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP) to distribute the Exodus Companion App to your users, check Assign Content Purchased in Volume in the Managed Distribution tab, and select a Volume purchasing location.

App Configuration

In the App Configuration tab:

  1. Enter the following app configuration:

  2. Replace {{your-instance}} with the identifier of your Exodus Instance.


    If your Exodus Instance is, the server-url property should be set to

    Figure: App Configuration

    Exodus Companion App: App Configuration

  3. Then Save the changes.