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Jamf Pro Guide: General

Before proceeding, please make sure that your Jamf Pro Tenant is compatible with your Exodus Instance as per our Support Matrix.

Required environment's information

General information

In order for Exodus to access your EMM Tenant, you'll need the following information:

  • Host: This is the hostname or the URL of the HTTPS server you are using to access your Jamf Pro Tenant (e.g.

If required, you can specify a port at the end of the host url, like this:
If present and different from 443, the port number will be preserved.

  • An administrator's username and password.

We highly recommend that you create a dedicated administrator account to use with Exodus.

Group identification

When using Jamf Pro as your Source Tenant, you also need to provide the name (or the numerical identifier) of a Static Device Group or Smart Device Group that contains the devices you want to migrate.

  • Enter the name or ID in the Device Group field.

Next Steps

Next, depending on whether you are using Jamf Pro as your Source Tenant or as your Target Tenant, consult the appropriate guide: