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Exodus 2.2

System Migrations

We are expanding our global operations to make Exodus available in multiple regions. As part of this initiative, we have migrated several of our systems to new infrastructure. This includes the migration of the Intune Enterprise App, which we use to communicate with your Intune Graph API endpoint.

OS Support

We have implemented the necessary updates to ensure full compatibility with the latest versions of iOS and Android.


  • Updated documentation to clarify the role of Ivanti in our system.
  • Applied Ivanti branding updates to relevant components.
  • Instance requests must now be submitted via email.

Exodus 2.1

2FA security inbound

Introducing Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) as a Two-Factor Authentication method. Users can now configure and use their preferred authenticator app to authenticate with the Console.

Relinquish Ownership method for Android

Exodus now supports the Relinquish Ownership unenrollment method for Android. We took this opportunity to split the Work Profile category into two sub-categories to better align with the device true enrollment state and related migration behaviors: Work Profile Company-owned (WPCO) and Work Profile Employee-owned (WPEO).


  • User states tags.
  • Password management and 2FA management dedicated sections.


  • Theme selection in Edit Profile and saved as a user preference.
  • Device Failed sub-status details.
  • Improved Device List filtering.
  • Various UI improvements following user feedbacks.

Exodus 2.0

Console V2.0 release

We are thrilled to announce the release of the Console V2.0.

With a set of new features and a new approach on Tenant management, the overall experience is much more in line with how migration projects operates today.

This release is the closing chapter of our Exodus V2 initiative which includes these past upgrades:

  • ExodusID (1.14 & 1.15): New device identification method that does not rely on SN exclusively.
  • Companion App V2 (1.15): A complete redesign for a better user experience and improved guidance with broader localization.
  • Cluster V2 (1.16, 1.17 & 1.18): A reviewed architecture for improved security and reliability.
  • Backend V2 (From 1.18 to 2.0): The necessary changes to welcome a new set of features and allow graceful transition.

See the key changes and improvements listed below:


  • Theme Switch for Light and Dark.
  • New Dashboard with updated metadata and tracking information.
  • New Settings section for Instance configuration.
  • Source Tenants are now provisioned from the Settings section and are now Instance wide.
  • Target Tenants are now provisioned from the Settings section and are now Instance wide.
  • Templates are now managed from the Settings section and can be assigned per Batches.
  • Instance wide configurations can be managed from the Settings section and includes OpenID Connect, Custom SMTP, and Domain Switch.
  • Users are now managed directly from the Settings section.
  • Erase commands can be forced upon Apple Standard devices.


  • Enhanced password policy and session management.
  • Glossary update: A "Migration" is now a "Batch", a "Full Device Wipe" is now an "Erase", an "Enterprise Wipe" is now a "Retire".
  • Updated Roles and Permissions with Owner, Administrator and Viewer.
  • New Batch List in Dashboard.
  • Enhanced Device List in Batchboard
  • Improved Device Action buttons
  • Improved device statuses declaration.


  • Console page is now included in the dedicated Guide subsection.
  • Email Template section and pre-requirements are now included in the dedicated Settings section.

Exodus 1.20

Something great this way come

Getting everything ready for the upcoming V2.0.

Exodus 1.19

Companion App welcomes 🇮🇹

We're adding support for the Italian language in the Companion App. Benvenuti amici!!!


  • Improved device enrollment states detection from Source Tenants.
  • Intune Corporate Device Identifier sync added at Re-Enrollment step.

Exodus 1.18

External SMTP 📨

Introducing external SMTP. You can now use your own corporate SMTP server to send the Exodus notification emails.

Exodus 1.17

MobileIron Cloud as Target ✅

Introducing MobileIron Cloud as Target. You can now migrate your device fleet to MobileIron Cloud.


  • Email templates now include QR Codes to facilitate the Work Profile migration methods.
  • Extended failed sub-statuses to better represent edge cases.
  • iOS Legacy is now Standard.
  • Apple Device Enrollment Program is now Automated Device Enrollment or ADE.

Exodus 1.16

Companion App welcomes 🇩🇪 & 🇪🇸

Now that the new design is in place, it's time to roll out more languages starting, with German and Spanish.
Willkommen Amigos!!!

OpenID Connect support 🔐

We've added the capability to authenticate in the Console using OpenID Connect with any compatible Identity Provider.


  • Added port customization when creating a UEM configuration.


  • For greater flexibility and stability, we have removed the DEP Sync feature. For the required Virtual Server reassignment in Apple Business Manager portal, you can now extract your devices’ Serial Numbers directly from our reports.

Exodus 1.15

Companion App V2 🎨

Introducing a brand-new design for the Companion App on both iOS and Android. This update brings a fresh look and clearer messaging for an even better user experience.

ExodusID 🪪

Part 2 of our structural change which introduce the concept of ExodusID across all systems. An ExodusID ensures the continuous identification of any devices from and to any systems regardless of enrollment program. We bring continuity where there is none anymore.

Workspace ONE Smart Groups 👩‍💻

In addition to your Organization Group structure, you can now leverage your Smart Groups for even more granularity.


  • Improved Intune Enterprise Application process with pre-published applications and pre-defined Exodus Roles.
  • Improved SOTI Android Factory Reset Protection handling.

Exodus 1.14

Android 12 Support 🤖

Part 1 of an extensive structural change which will deprecate the need for Exodus to access the device Serial Number, we are introducing the full support of Android 12, including the Work Profile scenario which replace the device Serial Number by an Enterprise ID local only to a UEM Tenant.
Stay tuned for Part 2!

More Reports 📊

From the Export button on the Dashboard, we have added a Migrations Report to the existing Devices Report. This new report details the current state of all ongoing Migrations with a state-by-state devices count. It should help you get a broader overview of the migrations without having to delve into the per-devices details of the Devices Report.


  • Improved validation of Intune permissions to support Role-based access control in addition to Azure Active Directory roles.

Exodus 1.13

Jamf Pro as Source & Target 📱

We are thrilled to announce the full support of a new UEM both as Source AND Target: Jamf Pro!!! You can now migrate your iOS devices from and to Jamf Pro.


  • Remove the Intune Group ID requirement in the Target configuration page
  • Extended MobileIron Connected Cloud support
  • Update UEM configuration requirements to use hostname instead of URL

Exodus 1.12

Adding Admin authentication by certificate for Workspace ONE 🔑

When you create a Migration from and to Workspace ONE, you can now authenticate with a certificate. This is the preferred option going forward as certificates are more resilient compared to admin accounts with a password lifecycle of 30 days. No more "WARNING: UEM credentials error" in your mailbox, you can be sure your Migrations run forever!

Welcome to you Viewers 🔭

We are introducing a new Exodus Console role: Viewer. A Viewer only user will be able to navigate the Exodus Console, check the ongoing Migrations and generate Exports but will not be able to create any Migrations, modify or delete any existing ones or trigger any Device Actions. It's the perfect role for someone that is just here to monitor and report on the project progress and when you want to make sure there is no misclick or mistake done.


  • PostegreSQL improvements and bug fixes.

Exodus 1.11

Expanded MobileIron support ⚙️

To all our MobileIron users!: You can now leverage device groups when you create a Migration from MobileIron Cloud and labels for MobileIron Core. This should give you more flexibility in shaping your Device List and help you move beyond the space device structure.

In-depth Exports 📊

Exports now record device transitory states. You can now see when a device has changed status and for how long it has stayed in that same state. This will give you a better visibility in your devices journey.


  • On demand: we can now disable all user email notifications, this is Instance wide (don't forget Android use cases requires these emails).
  • Improved device statuses and their tooltips.

Exodus 1.10

Device deletion ❌

You can now delete one or any filtered devices from an ongoing Migration. It will help you all trim your Device List and do a bit of house cleaning prior to trigger your device migrations. Note that a deleted device in transit will see his assigned Token released.


  • Improved duplicate device management.

Exodus 1.9

Going forward, iOS email templates will include a Dynamic Link like the one available in the Android template. This is great for the iOS edge cases where the Companion App has been deployed but not configured with App Config or if the user has downloaded the Exodus Companion App himself from the App Store. The uniquely generated Dynamic Link will automatically configure when the user tap on the link. No more lost users, everyone is sure to migrate.

Full VPP Support 📲

Going forward, you will be able to leverage any form of license assignment in the VPP program. It means that you now can deploy the Companion App without triggering or requiring an authentication from your end-user.

Migrations export 📊

If you need to track your devices in transit and monitor the state of your Migrations from outside the Exodus Console, you can Export the Device List in each Migration or directly from the Dashboard.


  • Device Serial Numbers are now displayed in the Device List.
  • Enable resend email notification as a bulk action.


  • Modified enrollment token generation for better iOS device enrollment in Workspace ONE.
  • Extended user lookup in Intune to match email field if UPN does not match.
  • Changes in the API call structure to reduce global amount of requests.
  • For "Light" mode: allow device to transition from unenrolled to enrolled when re-enrollment happen outside of Exodus Companion.

Exodus 1.8

SOTI MobiControl as Source ✅

Introducing SOTI MobiControl in the Exodus UEM portfolio starting with MobiControl as a Source! You can now migrate your device fleet from MobiControl.

Companion App Notifications 📱

Introducing a new way to reach out to your users and help them re-engage with their device migration: Notifications are now available as a Device Action in your Device List. These notifications are also independently scheduled to ensure users engagement.


  • Improve Companion App detection to speed up migration initiation.

Exodus 1.7

Device Action: Resend start migration email 📬

Introducing a new Device Action allowing you to notify by email any of your users individually. It is relevant for users that might have missed the original notification, and it is particularly important for Android devices which require the provided link to install and configure the Exodus Companion App.

Migration Credentials Renewal: Notification email ⚠️

Following last month’s new feature which helps update any expired credentials during a migration, we further improve it by sending a notification email to all the Instance’s admins, so they can act on it as soon as possible.


  • Improve the way we retrieve the iOS enrollment profile on WorkspaceOne.
  • Update documentation with Device Actions section in Console Guide page

Exodus 1.6

Introducing Exodus “Light” Mode 💫

As we are adding UEMs in our portfolio as fast as possible, we sometimes face technical challenges that prevent us from providing a complete end-to-end experience.

Without the appropriate APIs and documentation, we can get stuck at the device re-enrollment, the user authentication or the device assignment step.

To support these scenarios we have developed an Exodus “Light” mode (compared to the existing “Full” Exodus re-enrollment process) which leverage the Target UEM Agent App to finalize the migration.

Despite having the end-user to authenticate with the Target UEM Agent App, the Exodus Console is still able to track and report the status of the device The Exodus Companion App stays as a guide for the end-user to walk him through the process and ensure he always has a place to come back to finish it.

Microsoft Intune As Target ✅

Introducing the first UEM to leverage the Exodus “Light” mode: Intune as Target. You can now migrate your device fleet to Intune.

Migration Credentials Renewal 🔄

To ensure there is no interruption during a Migration, we have added the ability to renew the credentials used by both the Source and Target UEM. This action can be done proactively (before credentials expiration) or reactively (after credentials expiration).

If a Migration fails due to a credentials issue, the Migration is displayed with a red halo in the Exodus Dashboard and the Credentials button becomes Red in the Migration panel.


  • Improve serial number management for Android devices on MobileIron Cloud.

Exodus 1.5

Microsoft Intune as Source 🎉

Introducing Intune in the Exodus UEM portfolio starting with Intune as a Source! You can now migrate your device fleet from Intune to Workspace ONE.

New Tokens Allocation 🧐

Now that we provide more flexibility within a Migration, it makes sense to do the same for Tokens allocation. Tokens are now allocated at the Device level: a Token is reserved only when a device initiate its migration. No more limitation in the number of concomitant Migrations due to your Token Pool.


  • Improved Android Enterprise scenario: Work Profile to Work Profile migration process to mitigate AE containerization.


  • Console: Fix grayed out filters on Safari after the loading indicator appeared on Device List.
  • Console: Refresh Device List after starting a device using "Start all ready devices" button or device actions.

Exodus 1.4

Device Action: Start migration 👍

Introducing device level migration for more granularity and flexibility! You can now initiate the migration of a single device or a set of filtered devices. The other devices will just sit there waiting for their turn.

Smarter Start Migration 🧐

The Start Migration button just got a bit smarter: it now initiates the migration of all devices in the Ready status. Once new devices become Ready, just click the button again to initiate their migrations. All of this within a single button.


  • Improved re-enrollment workflow when resuming.
  • Better Token duplicate management.

Exodus 1.3

Support for macOS

On top of iOS and Android, we are adding the support for a new system: macOS 🚀 You can now migrate your Macs from Workspace ONE to Workspace ONE.

Device List filtering 💪

You can now apply various filters to your Device List. This should give everyone more visibility and control over ongoing migrations. It is fair to say that this feature is the foundation of upcoming improvements...


  • Device Status naming scheme has been updated to facilitate impending changes.


  • Logout automatically on invalid authentication.
  • Forgot password link does not reload the entire page.
  • Color of DEP sync and download buttons.

Exodus 1.2

Support of MobileIron Cloud as source

You can now migrate your devices from MobileIron Cloud with Exodus 👍.

New Device Battery Threshold

We have changed the battery minimum threshold on both Android and iOS to better reflect actual use cases. See updated Support Matrix.


  • You can now reset your account password.
  • Exodus Terms of Service must be accepted at first login prior to accessing the service.


  • Workaround to prevent enterprise wipe failure when using Workspace ONE < 9.5 as source. (Documented API Bug).
  • Add support for uninstalling Exodus Companion App on Android 8.0+.

Exodus 1.1

Support of MobileIron Core as Source

Now you can migrate your devices from MobileIron Core with Exodus 🎉

iOS 12.2+ support (Companion App v1.0.5)

Apple has released iOS 12.2 which impact the certificate installation. We have improved our solution to guide the users during this operation.


  • Add Host URL verification before submitting UEM configuration form.
  • Show failed devices in the progress bars of the Dashboard and Migration details.