Ivanti Neurons for MDM: as Target
Required environment’s information
You need to first set up all general prerequisites before proceeding to this guide.
Configure your users
In order for Exodus to verify that each of your Source Tenant users is present in your Target Tenant, you need to make sure that each user's email in your Source Tenant matches the email value of the associated user in the Target Tenant.
Any device for which Exodus can't find a matching user in the Target Tenant, will be marked as failed with a sub-status: Target user not found (see the Console Guide's Device Statuses section for more details).
The next steps depend on the type of devices that you are about to migrate. Refer to the below sections accordingly.
If your iOS devices are bound to Apple's Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) program, you must follow the extra steps below.
If your iOS devices are not bound to ADE, then no extra steps are required.
Access to Apple Business Manager portal
You must have access to the Apple Business Manager portal where both your Source and Target Tenants are configured.
This is required so that you can reassign the ADE devices to the Target Tenant virtual server.
To avoid any false device reallocation in the event of an Erase, devices must be reassigned prior to any device migration.
Set up your Target Tenant's ADE Profile
Before proceeding to the migration, you need to check the configuration of your ADE profile in your Target's Ivanti Neurons for MDM portal in Admin › Apple › Devices Enrollment and click on the number below Enrollment Profile(s).
Configure the ADE profile
In order to allow your users to re-enroll correctly after their device is factory reset, you need to configure your Target Tenant's ADE profile following your organization requirements.
If your Android devices are bound to Google's Android Enterprise (AE) program, you must follow the extra steps bellow.
If your Android devices are not bound to AE, then no extra steps are required.
Google account setup
You first need a regular Google account or a Google Workspace account with administration rights.
Your account is correctly setup when under Settings the field "Android Management API Enabled" value is Yes
following the official documentation.
Enrollment token and QR Code
Once configured, you'll need to provide to your users an enrollment token or a QR Code, so they can finish the Fully Managed enrollment process successfully.
To do so, go to Admin › Google › Enrollment Profiles then click on + Add to create an enrollment profile that match your organization requirements.
See the official documentation for further details.