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Jamf Pro: APIs reference

Here is an exhaustive list of the APIs used by Exodus.


Create a token

POST /api/v1/auth/token

This request is used to create an authentication token from the administrator's username and password.

Mobile Device Groups

Find all mobile device groups

GET /JSSResource/mobiledevicegroups

This request is used to validate the configuration when creating a Migration or updating the credentials.

Find mobile device groups by ID

GET /JSSResource/mobiledevicegroups/id/{id}

This request is used to list the mobile devices belonging to the Source Tenant mobile device group.

Mobile Devices

Find mobile devices by ID

GET /JSSResource/mobiledevices/id/{id}

This request is used to retrieve the information of a mobile device when creating the Migration and then to update its status.

Find mobile devices by serial number

GET /JSSResource/mobiledevices/serialnumber/{serialnumber}

This request is used to search a device by serial number in the Target Tenant.

Mobile Device Commands

Create a new mobile device command

POST /JSSResource/mobiledevicecommands/command

This request is used to remove an enrolled device from the Source Tenant.

Mobile Device Enrollment Profiles

Find mobile device enrollment profiles by name

GET /JSSResource/mobiledeviceenrollmentprofiles/name/{name}

This request is used to find an existing enrollment profile when registering a mobile device in the Target Tenant.

Update an existing mobile device enrollment profile

PUT /JSSResource/mobiledeviceenrollmentprofiles/id/{id}

This request is used to update an existing enrollment profile when registering a mobile device in the Target Tenant.

Create a new mobile device enrollment profile

POST /JSSResource/mobiledeviceenrollmentprofiles/id/0

This request is used to create a new enrollment profile when registering a mobile device in the Target Tenant.

Retrieve the MDM Enrollment Profile

POST /v1/mobile-device-enrollment-profile/{id}/download-profile

This request is used to download the enrollment profile when registering a mobile device in the Target Tenant.


Find users by email address

GET /JSSResource/users/email/{email}

This request is used to search the user by email before registering a device in the Target Tenant.

Find users by ID

GET /JSSResource/users/user/{user}

This request is used to retrieve the user's information when creating an enrollment profile and to list the mobile devices belonging to the user.