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The Batchboard is where you will be able to trigger, manage and monitor your device group migration.

Batch details

This card includes:

  • The Batch names.
  • The Batch description.
  • The Batch creation date.
  • A button to select the Android email template for this Batch.
  • A button to select the iOS email template for this Batch.

Tenants details

This card includes:

  • The Source Tenants details.
  • The Target Tenants details.

Options details

This card displays the selected Erase command options for Apple Standard, Apple Supervised and Android Legacy or Unknown migration’s scenarios.


The available buttons allow to:

  • Delete: To delete the Batch.
  • Start All: To trigger the migrations of all the listed devices in a single action.

Progress Bar

This card displays the overall progress of the devices through their migrations states: Started, In Transit, Migrated or Failed.

Device List

This table displays the list of the devices collected in the Batch. They are classified and can be either sorted or filtered based on their various properties: Status, Group Name, Device Model, Platform, Serial Number, Enrollment Type and User Email.

You can navigate the Device List pages using the table pagination.

The Export button available at the bottom lets you download a device report.

Device Action Buttons

Some specific actions can be triggered directly from the Device List using the Device Action buttons.

These same actions can be triggered for a group of devices using the same Device Action buttons located in the table header. These actions will then be triggered to the filtered devices.

Start device migration

This action triggers the migration process of the device. It is only available on devices with Ready status. After performing this action, the device status changes to Started.

Resend email notification

This action resends the assigned notification email template to the user associated to the device. It is only available if the device has a Started status.

Send notification

This action triggers a notification on the device. It is only available if the device migration has been started and if the Companion App has been launched at least once. Depending on the device status, the content of the notification can change.


On both Android and iOS, the user must allow the Companion App to display notifications.

Notification details
StatusNotification TitleNotification content
StartedStart your migrationLaunch the Exodus Companion App to start migrating your device to your new UEM.
UnenrollingContinue your migrationLaunch the Exodus Companion App to continue migrating your device to your new UEM.
UnenrolledFinish your migrationLaunch the Exodus Companion App to finish migrating your device to your new UEM.
Re-enrollingFinish your migrationLaunch the Exodus Companion App to finish migrating your device to your new UEM.
Automatic notification

Independently of any triggered notifications, the Companion App has a built-in timer which initiate these same notifications automatically on both Android and iOS.

Automatic notifications are scheduled as follows:

  • Notification 1: t0 + 6 hours
  • Notification 2: t0 + 18 hours
  • Notification 3: t0 + 42 hours
  • Notification 4: t0 + 90 hours

The timer will reset for each status change or at the last triggered notification from the Console Send notification Device Action.

Delete device

This action deletes the device record from the Batch. This action does not trigger the device unenrollment, it is used to remove potential duplicates and help you trim the Device List.

Device Statuses

The device migration statuses are shown in the Status column of the Device List and follows the migration process. Details in the table below:

Getting ReadyThe device was found on the Source Tenant. Exodus is now searching for the associated user on the Target Tenant.
ReadyThe device is ready to start its migration: Exodus has found a valid user on the Target Tenant.
Started: User notifiedThe user has been notified by email to install and open the Companion App.
Started: Companion App installediOS only: The installation of the Companion App has been confirmed on the device.
Started: Companion App launchedThe user has opened the Companion App at least once but has not initiated their device migration yet.
UnenrollingThe device is being unenrolled from the Source Tenant.
UnenrolledThe device has been unenrolled from the Source Tenant.
Re-enrollingThe device is re-enrolling on the Target Tenant.
Re-enrolledCongratulations! The device is re-enrolled on the Target Tenant.
Failed: Target user not foundThe listed user in the Source Tenant was either not found or found multiple times in the Target Tenant. Exodus authorizes a device migration only if the user is available once on both the Source and Target Tenants.
Failed: Duplicate deviceThe device has already been listed in an existing Batch. As Exodus does not support duplicate devices, you must delete that device record using the appropriate Device Action and let the device migrate via the previously created Batch.
Failed: Unsupported deviceThe device is not supported by Exodus. See the Support Matrix for potential incompatibilities.
Failed: Missing user emailThe device does not have an associated user email address. Exodus cannot match the user value on both Tenants and therefore does not allow the device migration.